Saturday, November 28, 2009

Path of Life

Time passed, months went by
Year after year
I worked, improved and worked more
But, I wasn't an automaton.
Like Morpheus and Neo, I stole
My moments of life,
my moments of coding,
my musings on maths,
On quatum physics
On life
My moments ...
Of happyness;
And like now, my moments of self-introspection,
The daunting infinite loop.

Why do I have to steal?
Why live in pretense?
Are we all mere commodities in each others' eyes?
Is Rand right?
I am a man with questions
And a quest to find the answers.
All I have is a path.
Guess this makes human life worth it;
A path and hope to see beyond.


SA said...

I like what you've written here....the quest to know more - inside and out=side... i realise thats a common thread between u and me...
Heres hoping you find what ever you seek.

Phoenix said...

I agree on the existence of a common thread. I can only reciprocate with a similar hope.